New Publication: “Probabilities of Ion Scattering at the Shock Front” by Michael Gedalin et al.

Collisionless shocks efficiently convert the energy of the directed ion flow into their thermal energy. Ion distributions change drastically at the magnetized shock crossing. Even in the absence of collisions, ion dynamics within the shock front is non-integrable and gyrophase dependent. The downstream distributions just behind the shock are not gyrotropic but become so quickly due to the kinematic gyrophase mixing even in laminar shocks. During the gyrotropization all information about gyrophases is lost. Here we develop a mapping of upstream and downstream gyrotropic distributions in terms of scattering probabilities at the shock front. An analytical expression for the probability is derived for directly transmitted ions in the narrow shock approximation. The dependence of the probability on the magnetic compression and the cross-shock potential is demonstrated.

Full article:
Gedalin, M. (SHARP), Pogorelov, N. V. and Roytershteyn, V. (2022). Probabilities of Ion Scattering at the Shock Front. Journal of Plasma Physics, 88(1), doi: 10.1017/S0022377822000034

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