Shock database

The SHARP shock database is open for everyone to use. When using the data in publications of any form please use the following acknowledgment:

"The shock parameters were obtained from and developed in the SHARP project, funded by the European Union under grant agreement number 101004131."

Download the entire database of shocks:
Download plots of all shocks:

If you have further questions, suggestions, bug reports, or other comments on the database or this webpage, please feel free to contact:
Ahmad Lalti: ahmadl at (MMS shocks)
Andrew Dimmock: andrew.dimmock at (general)
Michael Gedalin: gedalin at (THEMIS shocks, general)
Max van de Kamp: at (MAVEN and VEX shocks, this webpage)

Shock database selection

Build your shock database.
To see a list of all available data (6112 shocks), click 'Submit' without selecting anything.
To limit and specialise your database, select any spacecraft mission and/or adjust any parameter range, before clicking 'Submit'.
If 'Include shocks without ... value' for a certain parameter is unchecked, shocks where the corresponding parameter value is unavailable will not be included.
Note: It is not recommended to use the 'back' and 'forward' buttons on your browser, as the website may not work properly using them.

Observing spacecraft(s):

(If none selected, all will be included.)

Data mode:

(If none selected, all will be included.)

Adjust one or more parameter ranges:
(The pre-filled default values correspond to the lowest and highest values in the current database.)

Lower limitUpper limit
Date / time
ΔR Separation between observations of same
km km
MA Shock Alfvén Mach number
Mf Shock fast mode Mach number
θBn Angle between the shock normal and upstream
magnetic field
deg deg
|Vus| Plasma velocity magnitude upstream of the shock km/s km/s
|Bus| Magnetic field magnitude upstream of the shock nT nT
Nus Plasma density upstream of the shock cm-3 cm-3
Ti,us Ion temperature upstream of the shock eV eV
βus Ion plasma beta upstream of the shock
Pus Dynamic pressure upstream of the shock nPa nPa
RcB Magnetic compression ratio |Bds|/|Bus|
Rcn Plasma density compression ratio Nds/Nus
RcT Electron temperature compression ratio Te,ds/Te,us

Or, to start again from scratch:

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